>There are other huge differences between Japanese and Danish working environments. One of them is working hours.
>In Japan, it is common to have non-paid overtime, or “service overtime” (service = free in Japanese) as it is called.
>This would never happen in Denmark, unless you were hired for a leading position with a fairly high salary.
>In Japan, it is illegal to force your workers to do “service overtime”, but nevertheless it seems like everybody is doing it.
>Of the responses we have gotten so far at roukan. com, there are many Japanese claiming
>that they have more than 100 hours of non-paid or “service overtime” each month!
>日本とデンマークの労働環境に関して、他にも大きな相違点があります。 その1つは、労働時間です。
>我々が現在までに で得たレスを読むと、多くの日本人労働者が、毎月100時間以上の「サービス残業」
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