面接官「君、英語が得意って割にTOEICの点数低くないwww?」 (6)

############## TOEIC 790 の俺 ########################
Surely, my TOEIC score is not higher.
However I suppose TOEIC test can not always assess examinees' English skill.
Because TOEIC test checks only reading and listening.
In practice, oral communication or the other communication such as mailing or contracting is needed writing skill and speaking skill, too.
What is called "English skill" should be judged with the 4 skills conprehensively.
Those who your company needs are not only TOEIC-high-scorers, right?

############## TOEIC 890 の俺 #########################
Yes. I have to admit my TOEIC score is not high enough.
But I don't think the TOEIC score always demonstrates the examinee's
English skill properly, because the TOEIC test is only dealing with
reading and listening skills. Speaking and Writing skills are much more
required in such cases as replying emails or making contracts in our
daily business. I don't think you can estimate your English skill without
dealing with these four skills at once. I am very good at speaking and
writing English. I hope you will appreciate my speaking and writing skills
rather than the simple TOEIC score.



面接官「君,英語が得意って割にTOEICの点数低くないwwww?」 - SSまとめ速報

1 名前:以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします[] 投稿日:2014/01/25(土) 21:18:49.63 ID:GHf+4j310 [1/9]
俺「Surely, my TOEIC score is not higher.
However I suppose TOEIC test can not always assess examinees' English skill.
Because TOEIC test checks only reading and listening.
In practice, oral communication or the other communication such as mailing or contracting is needed writing skill and speaking skill, too.
What is called "English skill" should be judged with the 4 skills conprehensively.
Those who your company needs are not only TOEIC-high-scorers, right?」






